Sunday, August 30, 2009

Week 1 Day 1 x2

So, just got back from my re-start of Week 1... feel pretty good. Shins are hurting a bit, but that's to be expected at this point. I will wrap them next time until they stop hurting.

But, I was real frustrated when i left the apartment tonight. Couldn't find my ipod or the capri things I normally run in. I had to run in pants...sucky... and time myself on my freking cell phone...suckier!!!

Oh well, back at it Tuesday. Thinking tomorrow I might try one of the 10-minute trainer DVD's I bought a while ago...or maybe yoga.

Re-doing Week One

So, I may have found a running partner... one problem. Since my sister has just moved out, I'm not sure how I can run after she is down in bed if there is nobody here to stay with her. We'll see how this works out.

I decided to re-do the first week of this program. Why? Well, I had a tough time on the third day...maybe because I was tired, maybe because I really didn't want to be running. But, whatever the reason, I'm restarting it tonight. Week One is the easiest week and if I'm not confident when I finish the third day, then I probably shouldn't move on to week 2 right? So, one more week...with a partner to hold me accountable... and then moving on to week 2!!!

Three weeks and counting to my Ten-Year class reunion. Short term goal: lose 1 pound a week. So, healthy eating starting tonight... pork, with rice and green beans for dinner, bringing my lunch every day to school and adding in 2 nights of a workout besides running. Wish me luck!

I have been working on some essays today for two classes I signed up for over summer. I am done with two but I have two more to finish. One of them should be no problem but the longer of the two is causing me some trouble. So, on tonight's run I am going to try to come up with some ideas to write about.

Want to know what really sucks??? I've lost quite a bit of weight in the past year, enough so that it is noticable and I feel good about it. But, I hate hearing from someone smaller than me about how bad they think they look. Nothing like taking a shot to the self-esteem...

Onward and upward!!!... well, not upward, but onward anyway

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Week One...almost day 3 :(

So, I am starting this blog a little late I guess. I decided to blog about my journey to a 5K run on Thanksgiving morning. Some history: a year ago I decided it was time to get back into shape. Since then, I have lost 30lbs and over 20inches. I was up to running about a mile and a half before summer hit and I wasn't able to take the time to run as often. So, I am restarting the Couch to 5K program. I have already completed the first 2 days of week 1.

Here's the problem: I should have already started this run tonight and now I am getting ready to call it a night and just go to bed early. The first day was fine, but the second day almost killed me. I thought it would be a good idea to map out a 5K run and use that path when I do C25K program.... BIG mistake. I was hurting by the time I got home, even though i only did the program once, it was a long trip.

And I want a running buddy. Someone I can make this adventure with. And honestly, I just need someone who is involved, to maybe ease some of the loneliness that sometimes creeps up.

Anyway, off to run... probably. Off to think...always.

Until next time...