Sunday, September 27, 2009

Too long...

It's been too long since I posted... I will blame that completely on water polo. It keeps me very busy. I have been running, but just not posting about it.

Tonight marked the start of week 4 for me. It has two 3-minute runs and two 5-minute runs. I made it through all of the running with no stopping. My shins are doing much better and I can definitely feel the parts of my body that used to jiggle when I was running start to firm up. But, by the end of it, I was pouring sweat. Pretty gross.

Last week was my 10-year class reunion. Funny stuff really. Good to see a lot of people that I hadn't seen in a while... and good that some people I was hoping not to see weren't there. Had a bit to drink, but no beer, the BFF said too many carbs :) I had to laugh at that but I went along with the vokda and cranberry! Reminded me why I rarely drink mixed drinks.

Another reminder of why I don't drink mixed drinks... the drunk texting that happened. I'm not sure embarassed is a strong enough word for how I felt when I re-read what I had sent out. Lessons learned.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Week 2

This has been a nice three day weekend for the most part. No running on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Usually I would run on Sunday but I wasn't feeling so great on Sunday night so I put off starting week 2 until I had felt better...that being tonight. Week 2 Day 1 went better than I imagined it would, especially since I have a few things working against me. My shins are still a little sore, better than last week, but still sore. I'm tired and it's that time of the month. And I would normally give myself these few days off, but, in the spirit of determination to get a 5K ran on Thanksgiving, I ran anyway.

Tomorrow is my weigh-in day, I'm guessing a pound, maybe two down. I have been eating smarter. Notice, I didn't say better because better implies good food choices. It's not that I'm making bad food choices, but they most definitely could be better. What I am doing though is avoiding really large meals and sticking to smaller meals and snacks throughout the days. Today for instance: 1/2 chocolate chip muffin (bad for me) and some water for breakfast; snack: nectarine and diet pepsi; lunch: McDonalds snack wrap with no cheese and diet coke; snack: 1/2cup of chex mix and water; dinner: grilled cheese (with minimal butter) and carrotts and water. So, grilled cheese, choco chip muffin...not good for me, but i limit myself. I LOVE LOVE LOVE grilled cheese too... so I would have usually eaten two sandwhiches just because they taste so freaking good :)

This weekend started the madness which is water polo season. I wrote some about it last week, and am still contemplating some of my choices for next year. We had a good start to the season, beating Sonora in all 4 games so we'll see how things go.

Goals for the week:
- lose 1lb @ weigh-in Tuesday
- eat out only once (not including tournament)
- Tues: 30 day shred level 2
- Wed: W2D2
- Thurs: Cardio Max
- Fri: W2D3
- Sat: rest
- start Week 3 on Sunday :)

Wish me luck.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

End of Week 1 x2

Today was an absolutely awful day!!! And by absolutely awful I mean the worst day in the history of the world. Okay, so...a slight exageration, but it really was quite bad. I had a lot to think about tonight on my run/walk.

I'm thinking that this may be my last season of coaching water polo. I absolutely love it...but it takes away from so many other things. I have to remind myself too many times that my priority can not be water polo. I do not have a lot of time to spend with my daughter, and I'm a mom before anything else. And now, especially since tournaments are starting, I will miss out on six of the next seven Saturdays with her. And, I know it bothers her because she tells me it does. And it kills me...really kills me. It wasn't as hard when I had someone there to help me out. And I know I have my parents, but I can't keep asking them to give up thier time to help me out. It just isn't fair to her or to me.

And, my job has to come first over my hobby. My students suffer during water polo season because I am so preoccupied with the sport and all the stuff that goes along with it.

I know I need to put some more thought into it. I thought about it pretty much the entire time I was running between convincing myself not to walk the whole thing. It would be tough for me to give up, really really tough. I acutally got all weepy during one of the walks because I was so upset about acutally considering the possibility of quitting. I need to think long and hard about this.

Now, about the run. Tonight was the best one I've taken in two weeks. I wanted to walk, but mostly because I have a lot on my mind. I got through every run and kept pushing myself. I know I will be a bit sore tomorrow, but I've got 2 days off. I'll start week 2 on Sunday night. I'm feeling pretty confident right now. I want to finish this 5K but I need to be realistic and set short terms goals and work my way up.

Off to bed... I need some good sound sleep tonight.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Pretty much my day after lunch yesterday was the worst day ever. I have such a huge problem with parents who aren't realistic about their children. Let me break it down "Kids LIE"... some more than others, but they lie all the same. Twice in one day I was told that something was "my fault" when the blame definitely should have been placed elsewhere. In one case, I set the record straight and when it came down to it, the kid backed my side up. And in the other, the mom is a nut job who doesn't live in reality so I'm not concerned.

But, all in all, I really needed that run yesterday. AND, it was with a partner which made it even more theraputic. It's nice to catch up, and we had a lot of memories to talk about especially since our class reunion is coming up.

My shins are still bothering me, so I''m hoping that starts feeling better. I'm determined to finish that 5K... freaking determined. I am adding a workout DVD tonight for sure. I lost 2 1/2 lbs last week... hope to see the same next tuesday!!! Then I will exceed the goal I had for the reunion.

Speaking of class reunion... mixed feelings about that. Not really excited but I know that I want to go. It will be crazy to see some of the people that I haven't seen in a really long time. So...crazy!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Week 1 Day 1 x2

So, just got back from my re-start of Week 1... feel pretty good. Shins are hurting a bit, but that's to be expected at this point. I will wrap them next time until they stop hurting.

But, I was real frustrated when i left the apartment tonight. Couldn't find my ipod or the capri things I normally run in. I had to run in pants...sucky... and time myself on my freking cell phone...suckier!!!

Oh well, back at it Tuesday. Thinking tomorrow I might try one of the 10-minute trainer DVD's I bought a while ago...or maybe yoga.

Re-doing Week One

So, I may have found a running partner... one problem. Since my sister has just moved out, I'm not sure how I can run after she is down in bed if there is nobody here to stay with her. We'll see how this works out.

I decided to re-do the first week of this program. Why? Well, I had a tough time on the third day...maybe because I was tired, maybe because I really didn't want to be running. But, whatever the reason, I'm restarting it tonight. Week One is the easiest week and if I'm not confident when I finish the third day, then I probably shouldn't move on to week 2 right? So, one more week...with a partner to hold me accountable... and then moving on to week 2!!!

Three weeks and counting to my Ten-Year class reunion. Short term goal: lose 1 pound a week. So, healthy eating starting tonight... pork, with rice and green beans for dinner, bringing my lunch every day to school and adding in 2 nights of a workout besides running. Wish me luck!

I have been working on some essays today for two classes I signed up for over summer. I am done with two but I have two more to finish. One of them should be no problem but the longer of the two is causing me some trouble. So, on tonight's run I am going to try to come up with some ideas to write about.

Want to know what really sucks??? I've lost quite a bit of weight in the past year, enough so that it is noticable and I feel good about it. But, I hate hearing from someone smaller than me about how bad they think they look. Nothing like taking a shot to the self-esteem...

Onward and upward!!!... well, not upward, but onward anyway

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Week One...almost day 3 :(

So, I am starting this blog a little late I guess. I decided to blog about my journey to a 5K run on Thanksgiving morning. Some history: a year ago I decided it was time to get back into shape. Since then, I have lost 30lbs and over 20inches. I was up to running about a mile and a half before summer hit and I wasn't able to take the time to run as often. So, I am restarting the Couch to 5K program. I have already completed the first 2 days of week 1.

Here's the problem: I should have already started this run tonight and now I am getting ready to call it a night and just go to bed early. The first day was fine, but the second day almost killed me. I thought it would be a good idea to map out a 5K run and use that path when I do C25K program.... BIG mistake. I was hurting by the time I got home, even though i only did the program once, it was a long trip.

And I want a running buddy. Someone I can make this adventure with. And honestly, I just need someone who is involved, to maybe ease some of the loneliness that sometimes creeps up.

Anyway, off to run... probably. Off to think...always.

Until next time...